Worship Service in Zelené

The General Bishop Miloš Klátik led Sunday service in Zelené which commemorated 175th anniversary of its consecration. Among people present were also representatives of the city Poltár.
General Bishop preached based on Jude : "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost and get yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. "He emphasized that the object of clergy, teachers of religious education, fathers and mothers is to set their personal example, witness, and show their own Christian life and faith. He also stressed the importance of prayer. The community members care a lot about their church, according to their abilities. In 1991 the interior has been renovated and in 1999 they replaced the façade. In 2012 the window have been changed and new lighting on the walls has been installed. All this was possible due to small gifts and donations.