The Openning of the New School Year in Král

Brothers and sisters from the congregation Kráľ – Abovce and from surrounding branch parishes of the congregation in Tornaľa welcomed a distinguished visitor – General bishop Miloš Klátik. On the occasion of the beginning of the new school year 2013/2014 a ceremonial worship service was held in Kráľ on the first Sunday of September.
Brother Michal Hruška, presbyter of the congregation in Kráľ - Abovce and chairman of the local department of Matica slovenská, František Béreš, mayor of Kráľ and Irena Hanobiková, mayor of Abovce welcomed general bishop and other guests. Brother Michal Hruška reminded that the congregation Kráľ – Abovce had not been visited by general bishop for 41 years.
Brother bishop Miloš Klátik officiated at the worship service. He based his sermon on Psalm 32, 8:“ I will instruct you. Iwill teach you the way that you should go. I will advise you as my eyes watch over you.“ Each of us needs wisedom to do right decisions. Bishop underlined that children as well as adults should learn this wisedom at the God’s school. He also encouraged teachers and parents to be a good example for children and youth and to confess their faith in attitude to work and life.
At the end brother bishop wished the participants much God’s blessing, strength and patience with school duties and greeted them in the name of brother general inspector Imrich Lukáč.