Representatives of Evangelical Churches at the President of the Slovak Republic

Representatives of Evangelical Churches at the President of the Slovak Republic

On 12 September 2013 Ivan Gašparovič, the President of the Slovak Republic, welcomed representatives of Evangelical churches from Slovakia and abroad led by General Bishop Miloš Klátik and General Inspector Imrich Lukáč at the Presidential Palace.
The President was pleased to meet the representatives just on the occasion of 20th anniversary of the Slovak Republic and 1150th anniversary of the arrival of Constantin and Methodius to the area of Great Moravia. He said that he appreciated the spiritual and cultural heritage of the brothers from Solune in this difficult times of moral and economic crisis and their legacy is an inspiration for present and future times. He also emphasized the worth of the Evangelical church within education in the past and in the present.
Brother General Bishop Miloš Klátik introduced representatives of churches from Germany, Austria and Slowenia to the President – Geza Filo and Geza Erniša, bishops of Evangelical Church in Slowenia, Norbert Denecke, church advisor of United Evangelical Churches in Germany, Martin Michaelis, chairman of Unity of pastors in Thüringen, prof. ThDr. Rudolf Keller from the Evangelical Church of Bayern, Sönke Frost, pastor from the Evangelical Church of Austria and Wagner Ulrich from the Evangelical Church of Bayern.
Ivan Gašparovič appreciated the cooperation with General Bishop Miloš Klátik. He told that state should not fight and compete against church, but cooperate and they both should have common aim: to spread piece and love in society. He expressed a need to discuss more intensively between state and church and underlined that churches should present their opinions about problems of society more radically. He added that current materialistic age needs spiritual values, which church offers. Finally he wished the representatives much strength in continuing their work, because our society needs it.

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