On history of our churches (HU/SK)

On history of our churches (HU/SK)

There are many Lutheran churches that are in partnership with our church. However, ECAC in Hungary has a special place among these as we have common history together. Since establishment of Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in the Kingdom of Hungary, independent from catholic church, until 1918 when the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy fell apart and our church became independent. We have been together through thick and thin for more than 300 years.
From historical viewpoint it is much more than existence of two independent churches with no connection. It was not only the period of hungarization in second half of 19th century that has burdened our relationships. It is much more that connects us to the Lutherans in Hungary. Our forefathers have been fighting together to push through the ideas of reformation movement and suffered together during the times of anti-reformation. They rejoiced when the 1782 Edict of tolerance was passed and when our church has been granted the same status within the monarchy.