Lutherhaus in Bratislava is 80 years old

Lutherhaus in Bratislava is 80 years old

Luther's house on Palisady 46-48 in Bratislava, where the General Bishop’s office of the ECAC in Slovakia is situated aldon with the Evangelical Diakonia of ECAC, the Ecumenical Council of SR and other institutions, was built in 1932 - 80 years ago.
This house of Luther Association, named as Luther House was projected by the famous architect of Bratislava - Christian Ludwig. He worked together with architect Agustín Danielis on old Lutheran Hospital. It was a five-story house in functionalist style. On the front of the house one can see relief of Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, and other significant personalities of Lutheran Bratislava. Above the entrance to No. 46 can be found relief of Paul Gerhardt (known German poet, author of several hymns,) and August Hermann Francke (German Philosopher, first Pietist teacher of Matej Bel in Germany), Ján Vibeg, Ján Weibeck, František Superintendent Samuel Stromsky and Bishop Ľudovít Geduly.