General pastoral conference 2015

General pastoral conference 2015

Monday, the 4th May 2015 in Theatre J.G.Tajovský in Zvolen were come together 140 evangelical priests, which accepted the invitation of General Bishop ECAC in Slovakia Miloša Klátika and were attended in this year at The General Theological Conference.
This year pastoral conference was thematically divided into two parts: family and problem of intinction. First thematic block was opened by doc. ThDr. Sidonia Horňanová, PhD. Analysis of the biblical message about creation, she pointed on the God´s plan to create man and woman as two human beings, which are not the same but are equal. Man and woman represent two separated principles, which supplement each other and so create one unit. It is a God´s will to live together, man and woman as an equal partners. Doc. PhDr. Mária Gažiová, PhD., clinical psychologist. She presented theoretical and by using practical examples relation between man and woman as an interaction, which exists on the base of some biological and sociological determinant. She also spoke influence of environment on the human psyche or influence of media on the thinking of society. Doc. Ľubomír Batka, Dr. theol., dean of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Faculty, he devoted in his paper The Statement about marriage and family and he also reacted on the situation, which arised in our society in the time of referendum about family.

After the lunch, in the second part of thematic block, chairman of the Sacral Committee Mgr. Miroslav Dubek presented the intiction (the dipping of the host into the chalice) as an alternative way how to distribute the Lord´s Supper. He stated, that the committee proposes the ECAC in Slovakia not abandon practice of one chalice, but for those, who don´t want to or can not drink from one cup, they can receive the Lord´s Supper by intinction, but it makes pastor not people itself.

The closing song and prayer had Miroslav Dubek and blessing was granted by General Bishop Miloš Klátik. It was end of The General Theological Conference. We thank to God for the communion which we created here, for the information which we received and for blessing which was poured out on us.

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