A Last Farewell To Pastor Petra Rollerova

On April 7, 2010, the last farewell to pastor Petra Roller took place in Ulm, which was attended by General Bishop Miloš Klátik and his wife Oľga as well as the chairperson of the Association of Evangelical Pastors, Jaroslav Matys.

Petra Rollerová, a longstanding pastor in the church in Ulme-Böfingene, died after a long and trying illness at age 50.

Pastor Roller was also a coordinator of the ECAC in Slovakia regarding the foreign assistance from the pastoral association of the Württemberg church. The church in Ulm-Böfingen, where she served as a pastor, has had a long-time partnership with the church of the ECAC in Bratislava-Petržalka, where General Bishop Miloš Klátik and his wife Oľga served as pastors for more than 20 years.